I've stumbled across this information over the net on how to chat using google talk without opening gmail and I've tried it and it works. The linux distro that i'm using is Fedora 6.

1. Open Gaim
2. Add/Edit Account
3. Click 'ADD'
4. Make sure you're on tab Basic and fill the information below :
Protocol : Jabber
Screen Name : [Your gmail account name]
Server : gmail.com
Password : [Your gmail account password] --> it is advised not to fill this if you're using public computer.
5. Make sure you're on tab Advance and fill the information below :
Connect Port : 5222
Connect Server : talk.google.com

That's it and you use it like u use yahoo. Good luck trying !
I've struggle with this issue for about 2 months now and finally after i gathered information from the internet, I've finally made it.

Here's how :
1. Download files from http://www.alsa-project.org
The files are :
* alsa-driver
* alsa-lib
* alsa-utils

2. Make sure you have installed ncurses anda ncurses-devel ( Fedora 6 )
3. Install all the files
4. Run : System -> Administration -> Soundcard Detection

That's all the steps that I took. If you need more info on how to install the alsa files that you've downloaded then you can go to :
Alsa Project - ESS 1688
On Fedora 7, you can use Pidgin if you want to chat using your yahoo account.

But if you still want to use Yahoo Messenger on Fedora 7, then here's what you should do :

1. Download Yahoo Messenger for Unix from : http://us.dl1.yimg.com/download.yahoo.com/dl/unix/rh9.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm

2. type yum -y install gdk-pixbuf

3. type ymessenger to start configure Yahoo Messenger.

The only problem is your access need to be as 'root' then you can call 'ymessenger'

If any of you know how to handle this problem please let me know :)
Unlike other Linux distro, there's an added value for accessing NTFS drives so in this case super-user can configure the system so easily.

On Fedora 7, we don't have to manually editing /etc/fstab and be bothered with all the complicated details.

We simply need to install a module called NTFS-Config from Add/Remove Software than it will automatically configure the drives for us.

Just remember activate ntfs-config and it's as simple as that and just click the options so your NTFS drive can get a Read/Write access
First of all make sure if the kernel version and kernel-devel version is the same which is 2.6.21

To find out kernel version :
uname -r

To find out kernel-devel version :
rpm -q kernel-devel

Next make sure you already install gcc & gcc-c++, if not type this :
yum install gcc gcc-c++

Usually when you configure vmware, you will be asked where the folders of kernel headers and if it didn't show up then you type :
ls -d /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)*/include

next step is the vmware installation.

backup vmware-config.pl by typing :
cp /usr/bin/wmare-config.pl /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl

if you're using mandriva then there's no need to update the vmware-config.pl but if you're using fedora then you type :
cd /tmp
wget http://jaws.go2linux.org/archivos/vmware-any-any-update109.tar.gz
tar zxvf vmware-any-any-update109.tar.gz
cd vmware-any-any-update109.tar.gz

I've tried using kernel version 2.6.22 and update the vmware patch but it's not working so I recommend using kernel 2.6.21
Hello there,

I've been looking for ways to mount a share folder on the Win 2000 Advance Server network and finally I found it. Here's the command :

mount -t cifs //[IP Address of Your Computer Server]/[share folder] /mnt/win -o user=administrator,password=[Password to your windows domain],domain=[Windows Domain]

Apparently fedora is using cifs and no longer using smbmount since the developer of smbmount stopped supporting since Fedora 5.

I'm a newbie in Linux all distro. I've tried setting up network using Mandriva before and I think Fedora has more beautiful looks. But that's just me talking :D